A tribute to my Mom: Lana Lou Wallace Bleigh

I posted pictures this morning of the strongest, most amazing, FUN, extremely intellectual woman I have ever known. Lana Lou Wallace Bleigh. My mother. She would have something well thought-out and "intelligent" to say to you right now. It would be out of the norm and very impactful, and brief. You would have to read into it and analyze it, to fully comprehend such renowned statements, from my mother. Not only was she the mom of the century, she managed to be it, ... in a time that women were not accepted to "walk the site with the foreman or to stand / sit at the head of the table in a boardroom, but SHE did it! I remember her telling me that my grandfather told her, "women don't belong on the work site'", after she had aspired to be on-site. She was very young. It was a very different time, and she was one of the pioneering women pushing ahead that helped make it possible for women to be business owners, like she was. She paved the path for women to climb the ranks of leadership. Look around you...if you know a woman in a leadership role, my mom was one of the women that helped make it happen. My grandmother inspired her as well. At a time when women were required to wear dresses and panty hose every day, and be a stay at home mom. My grandmother Peggy Lou Wallace was head of Accounting and co-owner of McHenry Wallace Company and so much more. My grandfather ( McHenry Wallace Senior. Not to be mistaken with Jr. Or the 3rd. which would be a huge mistake.
- My Mom's Dad, McHenry Wallace Sr. did most of the Mechanical contracting in all those tall once thriving, then empty, but now revamped elegant antique skyscrapers YOU SEE every day in Downtown Dallas. He owned the land where Dick's last Resort, House of Blues, and the W hotel now stand. Wells Fargo rented their building from him. What I am trying to say, is that mom learned from the best and with that became the most remarkable, brilliant, just plain smart women and mother you could dream of.
She told me years ago... You don't have to be the smartest person in the room every time. A true leader brings the smartest people in the field into their team and let's them lead as they are the experts at what they do. As a leader, you bring everyone together and work as a team taking the advice of the experts and allowing them to have a Voice at the table.
But my mom... She did it all, and in the midst raised us 3 kids. She was able to be at every football game, every drill team and dance performance, High Stepper drill team Booster President, and in the band booster CHHS. She worked the snack bar during the Friday night lights. Her and my dad both in the stands when not working, watching one of us on the field doing what we do. She managed to get me in a dance studio that was so amazing that we danced in NYC, Disney World, and NC in a time when there wasn't many traveling dance studios. She met and exceeded all the benchmarks of being a mom. She blew them out of the water...Oh and I almost forgot was our Tejas Girl Scout Leader! ...Not because she had to be...but because she LOVED IT. She was a scout leader before I was born, she had cadets and she went on to lead my troop and my sister's cadet troop. When I say exceeded barriers, I mean it.
She lea by example with fire and get up and go in her blood. She made things happen. She went to SMU and later Graduated from Dallas Baptist University.
When I was very young, she never doubted any dream or anything I could come up with, and did the same for my brother and sister. Her words were, "You can be ANYTHING, YOU want to be." So much that I instilled those words in my children, so they can take it and run with it. I have never shot down any dream, as ANYTHING is possible if you want it bad enough and go after it, per my mom. She taught us to never give up. Keep fighting for what you believe in, and have honesty and integrity, as your word is who you are. Each of us do this as her children, in our own way, to this day.
We learned from her that the sky is not the limit, or there would be no heaven. ---
I love you to infinite line, Mom. &
I hope this small paragraph of truths about who you are, and have been, to me, during my lifetime will touch other people and inspire them to be like you! I aspire to be like you, still. Mom. Grandmother. Cousin. Friend. Woman in Business Owner. Leader.
You never stopped teaching me... even in the past 3-4 months when you intrigued me after I showed you my new "Audible" account that I hadn't used yet... but I put it on speaker, for you on your
New tablet phone with talk texting! Anyway--- and every couple of days I realized I was getting a charge on my AMEX lol. When I researched it.. you had Audio read over $160.00 of Audible books that kept charging to my card, lol. I thought It was amazing and I kept helping you get more books. Even the nurses were talking about it this morning. "nurse Grace" to be specific... what a wonderful name for her because that is how she took care of you before and after... with GRACE, helping you get each new book pulled up to audio read, so many times and so much more. Mom, I know one of your dreams was to write a book, but that was taken away when you went blind. With technology that writes...instead of just recording, we had hoped you would be able to write soon. I hope to make that dream come true for you still. I plan on checking your phone. I have a feeling you recorded some things. 🙂
Mom, this post has become more about me saying goodbye, than for the readers. However, anyone that has read this far will truly and is truly a reader, and understands how blessed we were and are to have you and to be able to call you MOM.
I know you are proud of us, as well. You knew who we were until the very end, and were trying to tell us how much you love us. I heard you Mom. I understood you. However, this evening I still am having a hard time, as I want to pick up the phone and text you to voice call me back.. like we do... "# Call me mom. 🙂 if only it could happen. I would smile so big right now.
I told you, but I want everyone else in the world to know, shout it out loud.. and I don't care who hears or reads this... we are HONORED to be your children, as I know I speak Loudly for Charlie & Lisa, as well. -- We are and will always be proud to be a "Bleigh" and a "Wallace", and your children.
Everyone, Mom went peacefully without a sound this morning Nov. 2nd, 2011 at 3:28 am. She waited for my daughter and I to close our eyes sitting an inch away...and myself holding her arm. I had just rested back in the chair for a moment, at least that is what it felt like. We truly believe the sound of her spirit going to heaven had awoken us. It was not a sad moment with crying or tears. It was a moment of trying to understand, and comprehend. Very quiet and intimate as my cousin stated. I agree. --mom spoke briefly prior, I spoke back, but then had closed my eyes. She went in her sleep, in no pain, in what felt like seconds..me oblivious to the time.
I know she is in heaven now with full sight, no pain, and SWIMMING, READING with her new eyes, WRITING, and DANCING while dad Looks on with his huge infectious smile. I know she is having the PARTY of the century with all our family and her friends that went before her, decorations abundant and serving Weller & coke, food for everyone and everyone is welcome in the Bleigh Wallace House and in the HOUSE of the Lord.
So Mom. I guess this is really not good-bye, as I have a few things to finish up down here for us...like raising your grand kids and possible future great grand children some day, but... I will see you soon!
Hey Mom could you do one more thing for me? Tell Dad I love him, and Dobber, Grandaddy, Granny... I miss them deeply. Give a big hug to "Aunt" Debbie, Deb and Bones, Kate and Uncle Don... when you see them. Please give dad the biggest hug and kiss ever from me. Also, I am hoping you can check in on us every once in a while, of course only if THE LORD allows. I guess that is more than a couple of things... lol. Well, I still need you even now.
Once again, just one more time... Its never enough and I don't get to shout it out to the world very often. I love you more than anything in the whole-wide world. You ARE the Best Mom, ever.
I have so much more to share and say and show about you mom. I will share it.
MOM, your death will have & has purpose, like you me and Charlie spoke about months ago. It is part of God's plan, to help others that come after you but are treading down the same winding and rugged road. Mistakes were made that hopefully prevent the same mistakes in the future. We strive to make your voice heard, even in your passing through love and kindness and leadership. Your name will live on to educate the uneducated and to provide for the needy, in all aspects of the word regardless of highest income. There is more than one way to be needy.. "we need others touch, love, compassion, time and so much more that money can't buy. You can't buy what is in someone's heart and the kind of person someone is. Example: Your nurses were and are in a league if their own. It takes a truly SPECIAL person to be loving and caring, and a compassionate nurse and I believe there is a special place in heaven for those nurses. Ut Southwestern nurse "GRACE" 10th floor green...you are one of them . I was so comforted by your honesty, REAL hugs and tears for my mom, and the story you told me of being with my mom. Believe me I know how she is.. I am her daughter lol. And to hear you say, "Miss Lana, I need you to yell at me. You haven't yelled at me today..." made me chuckle. Yes my mom was very strong willed. I, more than anyone know this. I felt perpetually age 16 for many years and at times...recently. lol,
But... I also understand that made her who she was. Lana Wallace Bleigh
We need you and love you, mom. This isn't good-bye. It is ..."See you later."
Hugs and kisses ...one more kiss..
Love, Your daughter,

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